Tuesday, February 9, 2010

648,086,400 and counting

Seconds pass by everyday. Unrealized, seemingly insignificant seconds.
Everyone asks, "Where did the time go?"

648,086,400 seconds. Time devoted to school. To dragonboating. To TV and sleep! To my family, my friends. To what I love.
Ever since I can remember, school has always been a part of my life as a student. From when to do homework to when I can watch my TV dramas, everything else has been planned around my school schedule. I'm working on pursuing my degree in accounting, but somewhere down the line, when I can actually afford it, I want to take piloting lessons and learn to fly a private plane. That dream, will take some time to accomplish.
I took up dragonboating, a water team sport, a couple of summers ago and fell in love with this sport! It's entirely a team sport. (definitely can't row a 2-ton boat by yourself!) I've participated in several races with my team, and sure, winning is great. But the team bonding every year is just incredible. Those are the moments I treasure and are unforgettable.
TV and SLEEP! Can't neglect those two! I LOVE to watch tv. I can spend a whole day watching my TVB dramas and my television dramas. I can't live without my tv. It's on most of the time, whether I'm watching it, or I just left it on for background noise. Sleep is sleep. I love to sleep, even though I don't get enough of it.
It's just so refreshing. My dreams are crazy and I happen to remember almost all the details of my dreams. What's not to love about sleep.
Lastly, my time goes out to my family and friends - people whom I love the most. They are the pillars of my life when I need support and guidance. They give me laughter, smiles, memories, tears. Everything that makes me who I am. I give as much time to them as I can, be there for them when I'm needed or not, and just do everything that I can for them.

648,086,400 seconds and counting. Time that has gone, but definitely not wasted.

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